Manufacturing marketing guide in the age of the self-serve buyer

Updated:02-09-2023 15:55:14

Do you know what is the age of the self-serve buyer? Do you know how to make your factory win in the age of the self-serve buyer? Want to master manufacturing marketing in the age of the self-service buyer? Here at SupplierCamp, you can get the best knowledge and guidance you've always wanted.

1. What is the age of the self-serve buyer?

The age of the self-serve buyer is a term often used to describe the era: B2B buyers are more willing to be self-service in their products/services buying journey.

2. How to make your factory win in the age of the self-serve buyer?

By definition, you will know that buyers will do more of their own research before choosing a factory partner. So, the best ways to do marketing for your factory is to:

● Hire the best agency for marketing your factory.

● Create content that helps buyers do their own research. This content includes pricing, customer reviews, case studies, product demos, free samples, etc.

● Have great knowledge and skills in SEO, digital marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, etc.

● Have a top-ranked website with a great online presence.

● Join factory directory websites, social media platforms, factory discovery platforms, etc.

3. Where you can learn about manufacturing marketing in the age of the self-service buyer?

There are numerous places/channels such as manufacturing marketing blogs, social media channels of manufacturing marketing influencers, websites of manufacturing marketing agencies, and more.